Wednesday, June 23, 2010

PLN Status

My PLN is coming on slowly but surely. I have several blogs I am following that seem to be very good in showing new teaching and technology strategies. Here are some of those.........

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

Free Technology for Teachers

Teach Web

At the Teacher's Desk

Synthesizing Education


I recently contacted Bryan Phillips to ask him some questions about teachers. He is not a teacher anymore but he said he would refer me some teachers to get in contact. I haven't heard from him yet.

I commented on Mrs. McGeady's blog and this was here response:
@ Stephen,

Thanks for another great comment. The blog looks great! Unfortunately I only teach primary so I’m not the best person to ask about secondary teaching but I do write a blog for teachers that you may find interesting. This is the address

Best wishes,
Kathleen McGeady


  1. Stephen,

    This is a fine example of documenting your PLN. Because you shared the comment exchange, I was able to go to her page and was pleased to find it as a resource for elementary teachers, which falls in line with my own career ambitions.

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. Great start on your PLN Stephen. Consider classmates you talk with a lot, and other teachers you may have at the university. Also, try looking at classroom 2.0.

    Keep up the good work. SS
