Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Comments for Kids 2

For my second comments for kids I was assigned to Siabhaon's blog. She is new to the class. She has some cool posts up about herself and about where she is from.

Welcome to Siabhaon

On my first comment I introduced myself and found out about Siabhaon's name.

Hi Siabhaon,

This is Stephen and I am from the University of South Alabama in the United States. I have just started blogging and I have been assigned to comment and explore your blog. You have a very interesting class and I have really enjoyed your blog. I have never heard the name Siabhaon. It is a very cool name. I hope you have as much fun blogging as I have these past few weeks. Keep up the good work! If you are interested, here is a link to my class blog: EDM310

ABOUT ME (Siabhaon)!!!

My next comment is one the post where Siabhaon tells everyone about her interest and what she likes.

Hey Siabhaon,

It is me, Stephen again and it looks like everyone who commented, including me, loves chocolate! I really think my most favorite kind of chocolate is dark chocolate! I live somewhere very similar to a farm out in the country. There are not many farm animals, but I have had dogs, cats, and even horses. I think my favorite animal is the otter. I’m not sure how many otters are around this part of the world, but many of them live in rivers and close to the shores of the ocean.

Your blog is looking very nice! Keep up the great work.

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