Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Comments for Teachers 4,5,and 6

The state of Nebraska

Nebraska Change Agent

My second teacher that I was assigned was Mrs. Beth Still. Just from the first few post on her blog you can see how involved she is outside of the classroom. She has a great deal on her blog that talks about PLNs and various things we are also learning about in EDM 310. If you have a chance read her biography on this blog. Here are my comments on her blog and the links to each blog post.

The Forgotten Ones

Hi Mrs. Still,

This is Stephen and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I have been assigned to your blog by Dr. Strange and our class is called EDM 310. I really enjoyed this post because we have just started talking about PLN’s in this class and I have just started mine. I haven’t really been separated from anyone because of work of course, but college life really has gotten my girlfriend and I distant. So in that sense, I can relate to your situation.

I will be following your blog for a while so, if you would like to check out our class blog here is the link: EDM 310

It Really Isn’t That Simple

Hey Mrs. Still,

I really enjoy your post on the PLN because I really don’t know that much about it. I know that I want to teach so I need to really start working on my PLN. I would like to know your opinion on where should I look for good people to add to my PLN? I have a Skype account but I really haven’t used it yet. How helpful is it to you? I think you have really good knowledge about PLNs and I would love to add you to my PLN. Let me know what you think.


Physical Geography Course

I think google earth would be a great idea. I know you have probably already researched, but there are some really good videos on Youtube that so different ideas on using google earth. Here is a link that you might want to check out. Google Earth

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